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About us

We, the Central Church of Christ believe that God has placed us in the city of Columbia, Tennessee as a unified group of believers who truly look to make a difference in the lives of its members, their families, their friends, its community and throughout the world. We want to strive to create such an atmosphere of welcome, of love, and belonging as we together seek the transforming of our lives and the lives of our neighbors and families and friends through the power of the Word of God.


     We seek Gods guidance, compassion, and grace that unity in Christ will prevail over the diversity of gender, age, race, economic status, educational level or any other barrier that would seek to hinder God's plan and purpose for his people. We will, therefore, be a family and know that God knows our shortcomings, frailties, imperfections, and the burdens we bear daily. We will have compassion on one another and understand that we are not perfect but we press toward the mark of the high calling of God, walking by faith and not by sight, that we might attain eternal life.


     It is with this in mind, we seek to extend the love of God to all in order that we all may know that salvation has been brought down by the amazing Grace of God through his son Jesus Christ our Lord. It is with this determination, we seek to offer the hurting healing, comfort to the disturbed, hope to the hopeless, and salvation to the lost.

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